June 16, 2023
Inventory Management Systems
V4IT Solutions

V4IT Inventory Software is a Stock Management and Invoice Software. It is developed for managing stock of Mobile, Boutique, Suiting & Shirting Shops.

We created an inventory management system for mobile and clothing stores with full-featured billing for both B2C and B2B sales for our India-based client, V4IT Solutions. To meet the needs of tablet and desktop users, the project was built with Java (Spring), MySQL, and Angular.

The application is used to keep track of stock details, such as how much stock has been sold and how much is still available. One distinguishing feature is that it shows us which products are the most and least popular, allowing us to reorder them.

Common Features

  • The shopkeeper can add stock and generate the serial number barcodes of it.
  • Generate invoice of selling products and send messages to customer contact. So customers can download the pdf later.
  • All Reports have filters to sort the records and Excel Export.
  • The shopkeeper can view the following reports

  • Purchase Report: It shows the purchase invoice and stock brought from the whole distributor and payments of it.
  • Sells Report: It shows the customer invoices and payments of it with the option to Download invoice.
  • Available Stock Report: It shows stock cumulative of brand, model of products. Stock Report: It shows each product in inventory with details of distributor, invoice date, how old the stock is.
  • Balance Report: It shows customer pending balance amount, number of installments and installments paid.
  • Purchase / Sell Return Report: It shows details of returned product to distributor from shop and to the shop from customer respectively.
  • Discount Profit/Loss Report: It shows each product’s discount given, loss, and profit respectively.
  • Employee Sales Report: It shows invoice wise employee sales which is useful while giving salary to give bonus to employee.
  • Master Records: Can add new records of Distributor, Employee, Payment Types, Product Brand, Product Type, Product Sub-Type, Product Model and GST.
  • Extra Features

  • In Tailor: Shopkeepers can enter customer measurements for stitching and then Generate Pdf, Download / Print for later use. Cloth Status (Pending, Processed, Completed, and Delivered) can be tracked and Stitching Rates in Masters can be added.